Joseph A. Fluehr III Funeral Home Inc.
On-Site Crematory
Richboro: (215) 968-8585
New Britain: (215) 340-9654
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Condolences for Nicholas Stephen Casbar Jr.

Laura KlingerThursday, July 18th

I am so incredibly sorry for your loss! I can't begin to imagine the pain and heartache you all must be feeling! My thoughts and prayers for peace are with all of you!

Laura Klinger

Matthew StoberThursday, July 18th

Our deepest condolences from the entire stober family. We loved Nick and our hearts are with all of you during this difficult time. We were so blessed to have known Nick and wish him peace. We love you all.

Matt Stober Sr

Donna & Bobby BellThursday, July 18th

Dear Nicky, Kathy and family
Bobby and I wish we could be with you in your time of grief. Know that we are thinking and praying for everyone! May your son Nick RIP! Our heart breaks for everyone. Love to all ❤️

Bogdan IonescuThursday, July 18th

I can't believe that this unbelievable tragedy struck all of us. Words cannot express how deeply sorry and incredibly hollow I feel knowing that Nicky is not with us anymore. Images of him and really good memories are flashing through my mind constantly. I will never forget his smile, his outgoing personality and enthusiasm. I am praying that his soul will rest in peace and the family can at some point find a way to cope with the cruel reality of his departure. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Peter KnowlesThursday, July 18th

Nick was a vibrant young man who lit up the room when he entered. I was fortunate to have him as an employee for two years and watch him grow as a young man in our industry. I’ll never forget our trips together when I would come to make sales calls together. He introduced me to the best “Philly Steak Sandwich’s” on south street. Rest in peace my young friend, I will miss your phone calls to see how I was doing. 💔

Anthony CapicchioniFriday, July 19th

My condolences To you and your family. You are in our prayers.

PATRICIA KAREHAFriday, July 19th

The Ohio family of Emmy Hendrix sends love and prayers for strength to Emmy and to the family of Nick. We never met Nick but could see how much he loved Emmy and we were so happy for both of them and we loved Nick for bringing Emmy so much happiness. We are so saddened by Nicks passing and pray that God will comfort all of you. Sincerely and with love, Aunt Judy, Uncle George, Aunt Patty, Jake, Rachel and Ryan

Gabriele CarinciFriday, July 19th

Dear Nick, Kathy and Family
I was shocked to learn the news of Nicky’s untimely passing. I remember fondly those wonderful times visiting you all in Doylestown and helping Nick Jr and his siblings with their homework.

You all are in our prayers. I am certain there are no words to overcome this intense grief. Our entire family sends their sincere condolences.

RIP Nick Jr.🙏🙏

Marc BayFriday, July 19th

What terrible and shocking news. Our deepest condolences to you and your entire family. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Stay strong throughout this taxing time!

Frank BlairFriday, July 19th

May God watch over Nick Jr as he enters eternal peace and grant his family the strength to endure his departure until they meet again in the kingdom of the Lord

Diane BoorFriday, July 19th

I am sorry for your loss.sending positive energy your way. Don't know how we are related but somehow we are

Laura SchroederFriday, July 19th

Kathy, Nick, Lucas, Erica and Mike -
Our hearts are breaking for each of you. We can’t imagine what you are all feeling but pray that God gives you all the strength to face each day without Nicky. We have nothing but fond memories of a young man who would always make us laugh. We hold happy memories of your family swimming in our pool on Sablewood Drive and enjoying good times together. Our prayers are with you and will remain. Our love is with you all.
The Schroeder Family

Holger SeyockMonday, July 22nd

We send our most heartfelt condolences for your tragic loss. You may only be a customer but we are still aware of how hard it is to lose someone so close to you. May the love and memories you shared bring you comfort and peace in the days ahead.

Please know that we are thinking of you and send our condolences.

Holger Seyock and family.

Nina JohnstonMonday, July 22nd

Dear Casbar Family, you have been in my thoughts and prayers since I learned of the terribly devastating news of Nick’s passing. Nick made me laugh and smile. He was kind and helpful. I will cherish the times we spent together, mostly over the winter holidays in Pittsburgh. I am proud to have known such a gentle person and I will proudly wear the title he gave me as his favorite aunt. He was so loving to my son Douglas and would spend time watching and talking about sports. Please know that he was loved by my family and he will be remembered in the wonderful memories we created together. May you find peace in knowing Nick was loved. My sincere condolences and prayers to you all. Rest in Peace Nick. 🙏❤️Aunt Nina and Johnston Family

Tony PennisiMonday, July 22nd

I am so sorry to hear the sad news of the loss of your son. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Alex HermannMonday, July 22nd

My deepest condolences to Nick Jr. and his entire family. I've had the pleasure of meeting with Nick a few times through business and trade shows. He was one of those people that you met and never forgot. His personality was infectious and just seemed to be a very genuine guy. He will be in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless my friend....

Stacy SargentTuesday, July 23rd

Nick, Kathy, Lucas, Erica, Mike, Loved Ones and Friends, My deepest and sincere sympathy to you for the loss of our precious Nicky. I’m so going to miss Nicky and Emmys visits to my home. The last text I received read: “Hi Aunt Stacy, It’s your favorite Nephew! Me and Emmy are headed your way!” He told me I’m going to be sick of him cause he’s going to visit all the time in summer! I was ecstatic! Now it so saddens my heart to accept this will never come to pass. Although it took 32 years for us to meet, when we finally did, we felt as though we knew each other forever, like no time had passed between us. We bonded so beautifully and felt that connection immediately, I guess it’s a family thing. He was something special to all that knew him. His infectious smile can bring sun to a gloomy day. I am truly blessed to have been given the chance to be in his life, if only for a short moment in time. I pray for comfort and healing and know he is surrounded by the warmth of family and friends with a magnitude of love within the hereafter. May God comfort you and hold you in his arms during your time need,
Love and deepest sympathy to all that loved and adored him as I did,
Stacy Casbar Sargent and Family

Certified Life Celebrants help create a funeral service, memorial service, or tribute that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the deceased. The celebrant personalizes all services by working with the family and loved ones.
CANA An international, non-profit trade association of over 3,300 members, composed of funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, industry suppliers, that create a community of cremation experts.
Supports the funeral service industry by funding scholarships and educational opportunities for professionals and invests in programs that lift up grieving communities.
Offers hundreds of events and programs each year to boost businesses and support leaders for incredible success by offering a wealth of diverse committees, networking and social events, and award programs.
The world’s leading association to support funeral professionals. Provides members with critical information, innovative tools, resources and the professional community they need to serve families, run sustainable businesses and become pillars in their communities.
Offers services that preserve, protect and promote independent family owned funeral homes in Pennsylvania. Provides advocacy, continuing education, information, legal expertise, products, programs and services to help members enhance the quality of service to families.