Joseph A. Fluehr III Funeral Home Inc.
On-Site Crematory
Richboro: (215) 968-8585
New Britain: (215) 340-9654
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Condolences for Bryan E. Monahan

Sunny & Joe MoranMonday, June 24th

Our deepest sympathies to you, Lisa and your family. He will be sorely missed. May you find comfort in the peace of no longer suffering. Please reach out if you ever need anything. All our love, Sunny & Joe

Jake GibilanteMonday, June 24th

Bryan you left us too soon! Your not just my brother in law, but a brother to me. We had many great times over the years from playing wiffle ball when you were 13 yrs old, marrying your wonderful wife Lisa, purchasing shore house and watching you and Lisa raise your family. Love you and miss you.

Annemarie GibilanteMonday, June 24th

There are no words to express the grief I am feeling on the loss of my brother Bryan. We grew up in a loving Irish family. Bryan always said he raised himself because we went out in the morning and did not come back until dinner. Boys played wifle ball and girls played jump rope and hopscotch. They were the good days of growing up in the 50's, 60's &70's. No cell phones or social media. Bryan was a loving husband, father and brother. I miss you so very much.
Your loving sister

Jennifer MarksMonday, June 24th

Dear Lisa, Shane and Colin
We are so sorry for the loss of Bryan. He was a wonderful person. We were so glad to have gotten to know him over the years after Danielle and Shane started to date. We have many great memories of hanging out with your family. I know Gary especially enjoyed hanging out with Bryan, Shane and the rest of the gang at the Eagles games. He was always so friendly and kind. I particularly enjoyed always hearing Shane and Bryan talking on the phone going on and on about sports. We will miss him and are here if you need anything. Love you guys. Jen and Gary Marks

Trish SagerMonday, June 24th

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I met Bryan 20 years ago when I joined Sharp in Allentown. He always took time to chat no matter how busy he might be. What always struck me was his genuine kindness. Of our many chats over years it was the chats about his family that always brought a glowing smile of pride and love to his face. May you find a small measure of comfort in the number of lives he touched and enriched through his work at Sharp.

Nancy VanNessTuesday, June 25th

I am so sorry for your loss. Bryan touched so many lives in a the very best way. I am grateful that I got the chance to know him as both a colleague and a friend. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Dick & Marcia NelsonTuesday, June 25th

Lisa, Shane & Colin,
Our deepest sympathy and condolences on your loss. I met and became Bryan’s friend when I joined Sharp’s sales team in 1998 and he impacted my life in so many positive ways. Many, many, long talks, great advice lots of laughter and he did light up the room with his smile. He was so proud of Shane and Colin always sharing their latest accomplishment. Lisa when we were traveling he just wanted to be home with you. We will miss him, but always feel blessed for every moment we got to spend with him.

Tonya SchmouderTuesday, June 25th

My deepest condolences to the family. I am blessed to have worked with Bryan for 20 years at Sharp and knew him to be a very solid, genuine person whom everyone loved. He will be very sorely missed and talked of often.

Eileen ManiscalcoTuesday, June 25th

Dear Lisa and Family,
I'm extremely saddened to have lost my longtime friend. Bryan loved people and always found the best in them. I have so many memories (40 years worth)I'll never forget him and all the hard work he put into his career at Sharp. I just wished he had more time here to spend with you and your sons. He loved you all very much. I'm so sorry for your loss, he was an angel on earth and now an angel in heaven. He's going to be missed dearly.

Chris KlauderWednesday, June 26th

Lisa, Shane, Colin,

My deepest condolences to you and your family. Brian was such an inspiring example of what a great father, husband, and professional are and was a heartfelt mentor in life and business. His impact will live on and I will always keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Tina ClarkeFriday, June 28th

Lisa, Shane and Colin

There are no words to say to help with your loss, I'm sorry just does not seen enough. I have worked with Bryan over the past 12 years, I have so many memories of his appreciation for his team. Walking into our S&OP meeting with our team shirts on that had the dollar amount he made for that year because it was the highest out of all the Account Executives. Our trip to the Phillies game, and many celebratory Christmas dinners. He was a mentor too many, including myself. On one hand he was very patient and understanding, on the other get your crap together. Bryan always had a smile on his face, he always made a point to stop and talk with people when he came to work. He had this aura about him where people enjoyed being around him. He talked about you boys all the time, from fighting with each other to waiting in line with Colin for new KDs. Thank you for sharing your husband, best friend and dad with the rest of us.

Forever, Team Monahan

Jonathan PhelanFriday, June 28th

Prayers to the Monahan family.

Paul GalenkampMonday, August 19th

I just saw this today and I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Bryan was a great guy and I started working with him back in 2008. We got along great even though he was an Eagles fan and I was a Cowboy fan! A true gentleman, knowledgeable and great to work with, I know he will be missed. My thoughts are with your family.

Certified Life Celebrants help create a funeral service, memorial service, or tribute that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the deceased. The celebrant personalizes all services by working with the family and loved ones.
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