Joseph A. Fluehr III Funeral Home Inc.
On-Site Crematory
Richboro: (215) 968-8585
New Britain: (215) 340-9654
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Condolences for Andre Panno

Rob BoyesWednesday, March 13th

I just heard the sad news from Rhonda. I knew Andre from when Rhonda and I would stop on Tuesdays at the restaurant for our churches food pantry. Such a nice guy....to Nino and Andre's family my heartfelt condolences...

george robertsThursday, March 14th

My deepest sympathies to Andre and Nino and to there families. I remember from visiting the restaurant with his huge smile and laughter.He was a very gracious and funny gentleman. So sorry for your loss.

Sergio CanaleFriday, March 15th

Our condolences to the Panno family, Andre was an extremely nice and kind person. He will be missed.

william(bill) garwoodFriday, March 15th

My wife Carol and I were so so shocked when hearing of Andre's sudden passing. We have enjoyed his company and good hearted humor plus the excellent food for about 5 years on our Friday night visits to Angelo's in Southampton. Our sincerest condolences to Andre's family and the staff at his restaurant. WG, 03/15/

Carmella and Richard DonaghyMonday, March 18th

Our deepest sympathies to Pietra, Nino, and all the children and their families.
We have known Andre and his family for over 40 years. Since their restaurant has been located in Southampton.
They are a lovely and caring family. Always welcomed us with open arms when going into the restaurant.

Our prayers are with the family. in this time of need.
God Bless You
Love Always Carmella and Rich

Hank PiermatteoMonday, March 18th

A tremendous loss to the family, friends and the community... Andre, you will be missed by all. Im honored to have been your friend for all of these years and will miss your perspectives and your special brand of humor. You will be in my heart.
Take care my friend...

David ResnickTuesday, March 19th

To Nino and all of the Panno family.

Our sincere condolences to your entire family. I have known Andre for over 30 years and my heart is torn. Embrace all of the very special memories in your hearts forever. Andre was truly an amazing husband, brother, father, grandfather and friend to all who knew him. He will forever be missed by all.

David, Amie, Brittany & Joshua Resnick

Pasquale & Anna SteritiWednesday, March 20th

Pasquale and I are very sorry to hear this just today (3/20/19). We did not know that Andrea had passed nor did we have the information to have attended the viewing to pay our respects. Our sincere condolences to Piera, Nadia, Tony, John, Nino and families. We are so sorry for your loss.
RIP Andrea.

Dorothy BriggsTuesday, April 2nd

Ron and I send our condolences. Andre and family had been a part of lives and children and grandson for many years. So happy we got to see him before we went away for the winter. We will remember how happy he seemed to be seeing us Ginny and Charlie. Sorry we didn’t know before today but remember all in our prayers. God bless. He is a great loss

Certified Life Celebrants help create a funeral service, memorial service, or tribute that reflects the personality and lifestyle of the deceased. The celebrant personalizes all services by working with the family and loved ones.
CANA An international, non-profit trade association of over 3,300 members, composed of funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, industry suppliers, that create a community of cremation experts.
Supports the funeral service industry by funding scholarships and educational opportunities for professionals and invests in programs that lift up grieving communities.
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The world’s leading association to support funeral professionals. Provides members with critical information, innovative tools, resources and the professional community they need to serve families, run sustainable businesses and become pillars in their communities.
Offers services that preserve, protect and promote independent family owned funeral homes in Pennsylvania. Provides advocacy, continuing education, information, legal expertise, products, programs and services to help members enhance the quality of service to families.